Hi all. This is a different kind of post. It's actually a poem I wrote while in Chile about the father heart of God. Thought I would put it out there for Father's day...
Two Hearts
Two hearts living in rhythm. One beat. One heart.
Perfect love, inconceivable trust
Warmth, unity, joy, peace
Two hearts se p a r a t i n g, a dark smoke creeping in
Lies, hatred, hurt, despair
Pride, blame, wounds build
One heart struggling to beat at all
unloved, without hope, self-destructing, orphaned
numbed to the pain, blinded to the light
One heart beating passionately. dying to be heard
I love. I heal. I give. I break.
Let me hold you and reveal your extravagant inheritance
One heart broken. the flatline is near.
I can't feel. I can't think. I can't love. I can't live.
Why can't I keep everything (myself) from falling apart?
One heart broken. A child has been lost.
You are beautiful. I love you. I will never fade or fail.
Why not let me peel away the chains that suffocate?
replaced with
healed with
Pride fallen. Callouses smoothed.
turned into
revolutionary restoration comes in and life begins.
Two hearts living in rhythm. One beat. One heart.
Perfect love, inconceivable trust
warmth. unity. joy. peace.